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Showing posts with the label Love In The Air

What Actually Happens When Your Crush Walks In And Talks To You

When your crush walks in the same room you are in, you should have been all zen , smooth and should have cracked that good joke you thought of, but you do not. The actual response is more catastrophic than all the Roland Emmerich movies put together. Here I show you the actual biological process you go through, and why it all happens like it happens. 1. Your crush walks in Image source Eyes  – HUBBA HUBBA! Show me more! MOARRRRR! We need more of that person on the retina! Dilate the pupils! Why do we still have telescopic lenses? Keep the gaze on that person! Do not lose track! And eyelids, if you blink, so God help me, You are FIRED! Brain  – … … ALL MY CIRCUITS ARE FRIED! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! Heart  – OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT! Pump all the blood we have got, on the double! The most beautiful person just walked in! Pump it faster! FASTER! Mouth  – GUYS! We are losing control and the mouth is just opening wide, and the jaw muscles won’t work! We cannot shut t

9 Differences Between Having Crushes As Teenagers And Having Crushes Now

Adolescence is a bitch. And the proof of this statement is just a flashback away. Close your eyes, and think about what you were like when you were a teenager. Fun, isn’t it? Worse than anything you did during that magical time, the one thing that’ll stand out is how you were around people you had a crush on. And compared to that, your life now is better-you actually  know  how to act around people you like. That’s probably the only reason to be glad you’re an adult. Here are 9 differences between your behavior around your crush when you were young, and now. 1. Then- You’d dream of getting married to your crush, and have an elaborate wedding Now- You’re too busy loathing yourself for not being as perfect as them to even think about being with them Hello, self-doubt. It’s nice to meet you. 2. Them - Stalking included knowing exactly what bus/ rickshaw, they took to and from school And what time they reached school. You could beat the CBI. Now- Stalk